This article will go over how to install the grounding pin to PT-JOY-G3 units, how to make sure the joysticks are properly grounded, and issues that will be alleviated by grounding. 

Please reach out to support at at any point in this process if you require further assistance. 

To Install the PT-JOY-G3 Grounding Pin

To Install the grounding pin on the PT-JOY-G3 you will need:

  • A grounding pin provided by PTZOptics Support (please reach out if you need one)
  • A standard Phillip's head screwdriver
  • A 7.0mm hex key or a small pair of pliers
  • Grounding wire
  • A grounded surface to  discharge the static from. (The best place to do this is the middle screw located on an outlet, but a properly grounded metal table leg or chair leg should work.)

Grounding Pin Installation Steps

1. Flip the unit over and remove the screw located above the power supply / power switch (upper right hand corner

2. Remove the metal cap on the grounding pin and using the pliers or hex key, attach the pin where the previous screw was

Grounding Wire Installation Steps (Applies for all units with a grounding pin)

1. Connect the grounding wire to the pin and attach the cap back on to secure it in place. 

2. Attach the opposite end of the grounding wire to a grounded metal surface. (preferably iron or steel)

Common Issues

The PT-JOY-G4 and the PT-SUPERJOY come preinstalled with grounding pins, but they still require a grounding wire to ensure their functionality. If not properly grounded, static will build up in the unit and the following issues may occur;


  • Screen artifacting (described at 'streaks' or whited-out blocks)
  • Loss of screen backlight (unable to read any input on the screen)
  • Fully washed out screen (All backlit at once with no visible lettering)
  • Loss of control
  • Unit will power cycle on its own
  • Static discharge that could shock the operator (This is rare, but still may occur)


  • "Phantom panning" (Unit will move in a direction, normally left, untouched)
  • Unresponsive to input commands
  • Locking up between commands


  • "Phantom panning" (Unit will move in a direction, normally left, untouched)
  • Unresponsive to input commands
  • Locking up between commands
  • Gives commands not entered by user (i.e. randomly giving directional commands)