If you are using this camera with a MAC please go to the link HERE
  1. Make sure you have the right camera:
  • PT-WEBCAM-80 can be found here
  • PT-WEBCAM-80-V2 can be found here

If you have a V1 camera you may need to update its firmware to be able to use the app, please contact support for the update.

Support can be reached M-F 8AM-6PM EST.

  1. Once you are sure you have the correct camera and its running the correct firmware, you will need to download the webcam config app:
    • Windows app can be found here:
    • Mac app can be found here:
  2. Once downloaded extract the tool and open up the bottom file in the folder as seen in the picture below:

  3. Webcam

  4. When the camera is connected and you see video go over on the top to the setup area. You will see an area that says UVC settings as seen below. Click on this button.

  1. Clicking on this button will pull up the panel seen in the image below. In this panel, navigate to the area called Camera Control and you can adjust the sliders seen in the below image to adjust the zoom and where on the main image you are zoomed into.

    Please contact support if you are having any issues or if there is anything we can help with.

    Support can be reached M-F 8AM-6PM EST.