Please note: these steps are for cameras that are being upgraded to allow for NDI video and not the NDI model cameras. These steps would not apply to any camera that has NDI HX written on the side of it or has NDI in the model description.
Step 1. Purchase a license. This will give you a coupon code to be used in step 2.
Step 2. Redeem coupon code at the Newtek Store to get your NDI License. Save this for step 5.
Step 3. Upgrade the firmware of your camera. Be sure to complete the full process and any deviation can lead to issues with your NDI license.
- Be sure to go into your IP interface of each camera and turn on the NDI mode, and turn off Multicast.
- Power cycle your camera making sure to note the MAC address, ensure this did not change after a reboot.
Step 4: Download the NDI HX driver from Newtek
Step 5: Register your camera in Newtek NDI|HX Studio Monitor using the register button. You should have downloaded this during step 4.
Step 6: Use your camera in any application that accepts NDI video feeds!