The PTZOptics cameras allow you to utilize PTZOptics VISCA, PTZOptics VISCA over IP, PELCO, ONVIF, IR and HTTP to set and recall presets on the camera(s).

When using these communication methods to set and recall presets you may find that certain presets fail to operate as expected. When you encounter this issue please use the reference chart below to better understand what presets are available to you via these different methods of communication and the different methods they are able to interacted with.

VISCA / VISCA over IPRangePreset Number(s)Description
81 01 04 3F 02 pp FF
0When set the camera will move to the Preset 0 location after finishing the boot up sequence
1~89Available to be set via VISCA or VISCA over IP
90Returns camera to HOME position
91~94Reserved - Can not be set via VISCA or VISCA over IP
95Opens and closes the cameras On Screen Display (OSD)
96~99Reserved - Can not be set via VISCA or VISCA over IP
100~254Available to be set via VISCA or VISCA over IP
255Stops movement
PELCORangePreset Number(s)Description
FF 01 00 07 00 pq rs
0When set the camera will move to the Preset 0 location after finishing the boot up sequence
1~32Available to be set via PELCO
33Vertical and Horizontal Image Flip
34~89Available to be set via PELCO
90Returns camera to HOME position
91~94Reserved - Can not be set via PELCO
95Opens and closes the cameras On Screen Display (OSD)
96~99Reserved - Can not be set via PELCO
100~254Available to be set via PELCO
ONVIFRangePreset Number(s)Description
ONVIF1~1281~128All ONVIF Presets (1~128) are available and are NOT shared with the HTTP, IR, or IP Presets. The only exception is the HC-EPTZ-NDI model which DOES share these presets with the HTTP, IR and IP Presets in addtion to having Preset 95 reserved for On SCreen Display operation
NDIRangePreset Number(s)Description
NDI1~2541~254NDI Preset are offset by +1 from the PTZOptics stored presets. This means PTZOptics Preset 0 = NDI Preset 1, PTZOptics Preset 2 = NDI Preset 3 and so forth. These preset are shared with IR, HTTP and VISCA / VISCA over IP
ApplicationsRangePreset Number(s)Description
vMixN/AN/APreset positions are stored in vMix using absolute positioning and are not stored on the camera
PanTiltZoom AppN/AN/APreset positions are stored in the PanTiltZoom Mobile App using absolute positioning and are not stored on the camera